Chris Daywalt

Chris Daywalt

Security Freelancer

Chris Daywalt is a security freelancer in the defensive space who spends much of his day doing and teaching Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR).

Chris Daywalt's Courses
About Chris Daywalt

After too many years of security operations work, Chris Daywalt tries to turn his phone off at 5:00 pm EST. While there are a bunch of training classes and education somewhere on his resume (including CTT+ and Cellebrite certifications), much of what he has to teach was learned at the school of hard knocks, often at the expense of his previous clients. He wants to help you spend more time detecting and denying adversaries and less time banging your head against your keyboard. He dips his blueberry donuts in orange juice.

Chris’ 19-year career includes work for organizations of all sizes, both government and private sector, and is distributed roughly like so:

  • 30% doing DFIR
  • 30% teaching DFIR
  • 20% monitoring and detection engineering
  • 15% risk assessment
  • 5% other stuff, like sneaking in a game of Plants vs. Zombies or taking a quick nap at the desk (Don’t judge - I work overtime)