Chris Stevens

Chris Stevens

Senior Privacy Consultant and Instructor

Chris Stevens has 35+ years of experience working in the private/public sectors in counterterrorism, data protection, homeland security intelligence, information privacy, strategic intelligence and as a Senior National Intelligence Service Executive.

About Chris Stevens

Chris is a certified Department of Homeland Security Senior Fellow. He has completed the US Intelligence Community’s former “Intelligence Community Officer” certification program. Chris possesses several graduate and undergraduate degrees to include the National Intelligence University’s “Master of Science in Strategic Intelligence” degree.

Chris Stevens possesses all seven of the International Association of Privacy Professionals’ (IAPP) certifications. He is an IAPP Fellow of Information Privacy. Chris is a member of the IAPP Privacy Faculty, and he served for two years as an IAPP Baltimore, MD Knowledge Net Chapter Co-Chairperson. He is an American Health Information Management Association “Certified in Healthcare Privacy and Security” professional. He is a Healthcare Compliance Association “Certified Healthcare Privacy Compliance” professional. Chris has completed the Loyola University-Chicago School of Law’s “Certificate in Privacy Law” program requirements. He is an ISACA “Certified in Risk and Information Security Controls” professional. He is an ISACA “Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer.” He has consulted for several private sector and public sector organizations. He recently concluded assisting the US House of Representatives in maturing its privacy program.

Chris possesses a Master of Information Resource Management from Central Michigan University. He obtained experience in cybersecurity during his more than 35 years as a military and as a civilian intelligence professional. Chris has taken several cybersecurity courses as a privacy professional and is familiar with several of NIST's computer security, cybersecurity, information security, information technology, privacy, and risk management frameworks, internal reports and special publications. As a privacy consultant, Chris has worked diligently to integrate privacy into several public sector and privacy sector organizations’ cybersecurity strategies.

Chris has always had a fascination with cybersecurity and information security as an intelligence professional and as a privacy professional. As a SIGINT collector and professional, he familiarized himself with cybersecurity and information security tactics, techniques, and procedures to exploit information systems and network systems to obtain access to data. As a privacy professional, Chris has worked diligently to ensure that public sector and private sector organizations integrate privacy into their cybersecurity and information security strategies.

"I truly enjoyed working with the Cybrary “Dream Team” throughout the course syllabus creation, course material creation, and video recording phases. Its commitment to course creation and quality assurance also impressed me greatly.

My personal motto is 'Carpe Diem.' I work hard to complete today’s tasks so that I do not miss out on tomorrow’s opportunities."

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