Dustin Sachs

Dustin Sachs

Dustin is a results-driven Senior Information Security Officer with a successful history of developing and implementing strong cybersecurity strategies, managing risk and compliance, and leading incident response and threat mitigation efforts. Experienced in building high-performing teams, fostering a cybersecurity-aware culture, and leveraging research and thought leadership for informed decision-making. CISSP-certified and pursuing a Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) degree in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance.

About Dustin Sachs

As a recognized expert in the field of cybersecurity, Dustin has run proactive risk assessments, incident response forensics, and worked in security operation centers (CSOCs) to strengthen the security posture for his client and employers and is a trusted partner in the immediate aftermath of cyber events.

Dustin has submitted written and oral testimony in local, state, and Federal courts. He is a frequent thought leader and speaker on a wide variety of cybersecurity matters.